Chrysaora hysoscella (Compass Jelly)
A jellyfish seen very often on diver’s safety stop
Diplosoma spongiforme
An ascidian that commonly forms transparent gelatinous colonies on algae (Magharee Islands, 15/07/2019)
Axinella dissimilis
One of the most conspicuous branching-erect sponges that occurs in the British Isles (Magharee Islands, 02/05/2019)
Echinus esculentus
A common sea urchin in shallow waters. (Mutton Island, 15/07/2019)
Metridium senile (Plumose Anemone)
Together with an unidentified sponge (yellow). (Newquay, 5/07/2019)
Phoronis hippocrepia (horseshoe worm)
A wormlike marine invertebrates that live in tubes secreted by special glands. (Newquay, 5/07/2019)
Epizoanthus couchii
This zoantharian has polyps up to 20mm tall by 10mm in diameter. (Newquay, 5/07/2019)
Myxilla incrustans
A sponge that exudes large quantities of slime! (Magharee Island, 02/05/2019)